Living Host Cartoon Central

We invite you browse through some of our collection of toons.


Seeds of Greatness

In each of us dwells the genius we were born to be.
From our conception, there lies within our DNA all that we are to contribute to this world.
Here is a preVIEW of some "Greats" in the womb.

Rube Goldberg Thomas edison Ben Franklin
Albert Einstein Michelangelo Phil Donahue


Seeds of Sanctity

Here is our version of the "Lives of the Saints" utero!
We are all called to be saints.
What set these men and women apart?
Join us as we do a lighthearted study of their "earliest" days.


St Thesesa of Calcutta





St Anthony of Padua St Joseph of Cupertino St John he Baptist


The Adventures of Captain Embryo

His seek out and explore a universe as yet unseen by the "Babies in Waiting"


Captain Embryo


Ask Dr Beebe

Just because they aren't born yet, doesn't mean they don't have issues.
But this doctor's advice has a unique perspective, laced with ancient wisdom.


Ask Dr Beebe 1Ask Dr Beebe 2